Inspirational Determination Quotes to Keep You Focused - page 85

It\'s being willing to walk away that gives you strength and power -
if you\'re willing to accept the consequences of doing what you want to do.
It's being willing to walk away that gives you strength and power - if you're willing to accept the consequences of doing what you want to do.
 Whoopi Goldberg
Freedom and constraint are two aspects of the same necessity, which is to be what one is and no other.
 Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Art has always been the raft onto which we climb to save our sanity. I don't see a different purpose for it now.
 Dorothea Tanning
You don't have the right to be left alone with that abortion decision. The child is are not alone.
 Douglas Wilson
Classical buildings endure because they are loved, admired and accepted, and enjoy an innate adaption to human needs and purposes.
 Roger Scruton
The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the goverment.
When we make decisions, about eating or anything else, with an attitude of kindness and acceptance toward ourselves, with awareness of what is involved in our choices, the conflict between deprivation and indulgence ceases to exist.
 Cheri Huber
My mother told me that everything in life happened for a purpose. She said all things were part of God's plan, even the most disheartening setbacks, and in the end, everything worked out for the best.
My reputation is too important to put it aside for purposes of some friendship. We have a job to do.
 Stephanie Tubbs Jones
It is not the strength of your faith that saves you, but the strength of Him upon whom you rely! Christ is able to save you if you come to Him-be your faith weak or be it strong.
It is not the strength of your faith that saves you, but the strength of Him upon whom you rely! Christ is able to save you if you come to Him-be your faith weak or be it strong.
I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.
If the nuclear program is indeed meant only for civil purposes, then it is wrong to impose sanctions.
 Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Responsibilites and expectations are the basis of guilt and shame and judgement, and they provide the essential framework that promotes performance as the basis for identity and value.
 William P. Young
The idea that UN commitments should be followed by action is indeed a radical one, especially for the United States, where wilful neglect of its own commitments is the rule.
 Jeffrey Sachs
Your integrity is more precious than your life.
 Randall Dale Adams
If a man's associates find him guilty of being phony, if they find that he lacks forthright integrity, he will fail. His teachings and actions must square with each other. The first great need, therefore, is integrity and high purpose.
While we won't be able to help the 10,000 people who died in last year's [Ebola] outbreak, we can do something to save untold numbers of lives in the future if NIH is working at full strength.
 Diana DeGette
Concerning all acts of initiative there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.
 Steven Pressfield
What the American people understand is that I look at what we need to get done to keep the American people safe and to move our interests forward, and I make those decisions.
What the American people understand is that I look at what we need to get done to keep the American people safe and to move our interests forward, and I make those decisions.
I mean, you have to be able - you have to have made the commitment within yourself to do whatever it takes to get the job done and to try to inspire other people to do it, because obviously the first rule is you can't do it by yourself.
 James Cameron