Inspirational Determination Quotes to Keep You Focused - page 67

Like it or not taking risks, by a total commitment to the mountain and the vagaries of the weather, is essential for the greater satisfaction to be derived from mountaineering.
Like it or not taking risks, by a total commitment to the mountain and the vagaries of the weather, is essential for the greater satisfaction to be derived from mountaineering.
 Doug Scott
The sanctions may be imposed only by the decision of the UN Security Council. A unilateral imposition of sanctions is a violation of international law.
As to the first, I do not know that I have done very much myself to promote fraternity between nations but I do know that there can be no more important purpose for any man's activity or interests.
 Lester B. Pearson
If there is a fence and you don't know its purpose, don't just assume there isn't one and tear it down. Find out what the fence is intended to accomplish. You might see it needs to stay.
 Jerry Vines
There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity.
I wasn't able to make the full commitment until I met 'Celebrity Rehab's' Dr. Drew
 Steven Adler
I have no Napoleonic dream. I'm just hard-working and pragmatic.
 Roman Abramovich
To make a decision you need to be in a perfect environment: you have to be motivated and surrounded by the right people.
 Niki Lauda
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
All genuine ideals have one thing in common: they express the desire for something which is not yet accomplished but which is desirable for the purpose of the growth and happiness of the individual.
All genuine ideals have one thing in common: they express the desire for something which is not yet accomplished but which is desirable for the purpose of the growth and happiness of the individual.
So long as there is breath in me, that long I will persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles on success; if I persist long enough I will win.
Once the 'what' is decided, the 'how' always follows. We must not make the 'how' an excuse for not facing and accepting the 'what.'
 Pearl S. Buck
To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it his dedication.
 Marlon Brando
The chief purpose of life, for any of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks.
The essence of the phenomenon of gambling is decision making. The act of making a decision consists of selecting one course of action, or strategy, from among the set of admissible strategies.
 Richard Arnold Epstein
Life is a sum of all your choices". So, what are you doing today?
Making the absolute best of ourselves is not an easy task. It is a pleasurable pursuit...but it requires patience, persistence, and perseverance.
 Sarah Ban Breathnach
Definiteness of purpose with positive mental attitude is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement.
Don\'t be intimidated by people who try to belittle your ambitions. Most of the time they are just jealous of your success or determination to reach the highest peaks of the mountains, and reign over them.
Don't be intimidated by people who try to belittle your ambitions. Most of the time they are just jealous of your success or determination to reach the highest peaks of the mountains, and reign over them.
 Robert Cheeke
Maturity is perseverance-the ability to sweat out a project or a situation, in spite of heavy opposition and discouraging setbacks, and stick with it until it is finished.
 Ann Landers