Inspirational Determination Quotes to Keep You Focused - page 65

I quitted my Seat in the House of Delegates, from a Conviction that I was no longer able to do any essential Service.
I quitted my Seat in the House of Delegates, from a Conviction that I was no longer able to do any essential Service.
 George Mason
I can't say what my greatest strength between acting and singing is...I'll leave that to the critics. Maybe my best strength is performance itself, being with the audience and feeling what they feel, bouncing off of them.
 Erica Schroeder
The fulfilling of who you are and your purpose for being here is not found outside, it's trusting God to move you, to inspire you.
 Ernie Hudson
Things change for the better when we take responsibility for our own thoughts, decisions and actions.
 Eric Thomas
The commitment must be much deeper - to let no species knowingly die; to take all reasonable action to protect every species and race in perpetuity.
 E. O. Wilson
The Leadership Training Institute of America trains and equips young men and women to be leaders with high standards of personal morality and integrity.
 Michael C. Burgess
If you are doing all you can to the fullest of your ability as well as you can, there is nothing else that is asked of a soul.
Contrary to his infallibly "honest" image, Abe wasn't above lying so long as it served a noble purpose.
 Seth Grahame-Smith
You're gonna have to go through hell, worse than any nightmare you've ever dreamed. But when it's over, I know you'll be the one standing. You know what you have to do. DO IT!
 Tony Burton
I would always encourage people of any age not to be so quick to follow other people\'s truths but to search and follow your own moral code and live by your own integrity, and mostly just be brave.
I would always encourage people of any age not to be so quick to follow other people's truths but to search and follow your own moral code and live by your own integrity, and mostly just be brave.
I have always adhered to two principles. The first one is to train hard and get in the best possible physical condition. The second is to forget all about the other fellow until you face him in the ring and the bell sounds for the fight.
 Rocky Marciano
Talent doesn't win. Hard work, determination, and character wins. If you root your talent and ability in those things, then you have a powerful combination.
 Erwin McManus
Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.
For a pragmatist like me, the important issues concern the words we might deploy to achieve our purposes, rather than the language we actually use.
 Philip Kitcher
You were made to soar, to crash to earth, then to rise and soar again.
 Alfred Wainwright
I will keep my body charged with energy for fulfillment of my purpose, in accord with that which is commanded of me.
 Walter Russell
Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves you.
I try to make very careful decisions about what I choose to do, and it's - I know that unfortunately one of the misperceptions about me, I think, is that I'm sort of a moth to the limelight.
 Monica Lewinsky
If we are ever going to develop an ability to hear from God and be led by His Spirit, we have to start making our own decisions and trust the wisdom God has deposited in our own heart.
If we are ever going to develop an ability to hear from God and be led by His Spirit, we have to start making our own decisions and trust the wisdom God has deposited in our own heart.
If you wish to discern either the presence or absence of integrity, you need to ask only one question. What is missing? Has anything been left out?
 M. Scott Peck