Inspirational Determination Quotes to Keep You Focused - page 61

Zionism, like other self-determination movements.
Zionism, like other self-determination movements.
 Ruth Wisse
Kill not the moth nor butterfly, For the Last Judgement draweth nigh.
Every choice one makes either expands or contracts the area in which he can make and implement future decisions. When one makes a choice, he irrevocably binds himself to the consequences of that choice.
 Marion G. Romney
In the works of Nature, purpose, not accident, is the main thing.
Your identity is firmly anchored in Christ's accomplishment, not yours; his strength, not yours; his performance, not yours; his victory, not yours.
 Tullian Tchividjian
When you do nothing you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.
You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.
 Bob Marley
I was involved with the anti-apartheid movement through my work as an artist and also through my political commitment.
 Danny Glover
One thing we all know, if one does not possess PERSISTENCE, one does not achieve noteworthy success in any calling.
The principle inherent in the clause that prohibits pointless infliction of excessive punishment when less severe punishment can adequately achieve the same purposes invalidates the punishment.
The principle inherent in the clause that prohibits pointless infliction of excessive punishment when less severe punishment can adequately achieve the same purposes invalidates the punishment.
 William J. Brennan
Everything God does is purposeful. And since God is in each of us, each of us has a purpose.
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.
We stand for freedom. That is our conviction for ourselves; that is our only commitment to others.
If you dedicate yourself to something, you can achieve it. It's simple, but it's true, and your age is just an excuse.
 Herschel Walker
The antiquity and general acceptance of an opinion is not assurance of its truth.
 Pierre Bayle
I've never formally trained in acting, so I'm very instinctual and visceral with decisions.
 Brittany Murphy
You've got to figure out what it is you love - who you really are - and have the courage to do that.
The quality of place, the reaction to immediate contact with earth and growing things that have a fugal relationship with mountains and sky, is essential to the integrity of our existence on this planet.
 Ansel Adams
In decision after decision on the bench, Judge [Samuel] Alito has excused abusive actions by the authorities that intrude on the personal privacy and freedoms of average Americans.
In decision after decision on the bench, Judge [Samuel] Alito has excused abusive actions by the authorities that intrude on the personal privacy and freedoms of average Americans.
 Edward Kennedy
I know there is also the influence of television and being able to zap away so it is a weightier decision to go into the theater than it used to be. And probably attention spans are not as strong as they used to be, generally speaking.
 Michael Snow