Inspirational Determination Quotes to Keep You Focused - page 50

The purpose of writing is to make your mother and father drop dead with shame.
The purpose of writing is to make your mother and father drop dead with shame.
 J. P. Donleavy
Necessity of action takes away the fear of the act, and makes bold resolution the favorite of fortune.
 Francis Quarles
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
 Coco Chanel
The nearer a person approaches the Lord, a greater power will be manifested by the adversary to prevent the accomplishment of His purposes.
To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up.
 Ralph Bunche
Our ability to make a decision about the declaration is hampered by the British government being reluctant to give us the clarification which we require.
 Martin McGuinness
We are alive and need to take risks. And if we fail, so what? Who cares? It doesn't matter. Learn and move on without judgement.
The ethics of editorial judgement, however, began to go though a sea change during the late 1970s and 80s when the Carter and Reagan Administrations de-regulated the television industry.
 Roger Mudd
To you who are worthy and able to attend the temple, I would admonish you to go often. The temple is a place where we can find peace. There we receive a renewed dedication to the gospel and a strengthened resolve to keep the commandments.
Someone who expresses a view that is contrary to the view of the overwhelming majority should be allowed to stand undisturbed as a monument to our commitment to free speech.
Someone who expresses a view that is contrary to the view of the overwhelming majority should be allowed to stand undisturbed as a monument to our commitment to free speech.
The nation should move towards one target, one direction, one intention and one decision.
There are no minor decisions in movie making. Each decision will either contribute to a good piece of work or bring the whole movie crashing down around my head many months later.
 Sidney Lumet
Do not approach with anything even resembling assurance a restaurant that moves.
 Fran Lebowitz
Physical strength (hard work), mental strength (perseverance) and spiritual strength (love & acceptance) are the keys to continuous growth.
 Rickson Gracie
There is indescribable joy, deep satisfaction and an eternal purpose in dying to ourselves and living for Christ.
 David Platt
As I see it, the greatest responsibility of motherhood is to make sure that our children know that there are principles of kindness, compassion, integrity, excellence, and discipline.
By faith I accepted Him for what He claimed to be, the Son of the Living God. That simple decision changed my life, and I have seen it change the lives of countless others across the world.
According to our purpose, motivation and sincerity, which compose our devotion, Krishna reveals Himself to us.
 Radhanath Swami
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
 Jesse Owens
It's my belief that, like every other American, gay and lesbian couples should be able to make a lifetime commitment to the person they love and protect their families.
 Mark Udall