Confident quotes - page 48

“You should reach the limits of virtue before you cross the border of death.”
“You should reach the limits of virtue before you cross the border of death.”
Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the dealing with it.
 Randall "Tex" Cobb
The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labour is immense.
 Arnold Bennett
So long as I am acting from duty and conviction, I am indifferent to taunts and jeers. I think they will probably do me more good than harm.
I believe the ultimate source of blessings is within us. A good motivation and honesty bring self-confidence , which attracts the trust and respect of others. Therefore the real source of blessings is in our own mind.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
 Alan Cohen
“For me, so far, confidence has been a journey, not a destination.”
 Jessica Williams
Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself.
The only tyrant I accept in this world is the 'still small voice' within me. And even though I have to face the prospect of being a minority of one, I humbly believe I have the courage to be in such a hopeless minority.
Its such an egotistical thing to be able to just stand there and say, Action! Its like being a little mini-god.
Its such an egotistical thing to be able to just stand there and say, Action! Its like being a little mini-god.
 Brian Helgeland
Confidence comes with maturity, being more accepting of yourself.
 Nicole Scherzinger
The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled.
 Andrew Carnegie
I had a fantastic mother who taught me self-confidence.
 Anna Torv
“Confidence is everything. Confidence is what makes that simple white tee and jeans look good.”
“The big difference between a warrior and a victim is that the victim represses and the warrior refrains.”
 Don Miguel Ruiz
“Weapons may be carried by creatures who are evil, dishonest, violent or lazy. The true warrior is good, gentle and honest. His bravery comes from within himself; he learns to conquer his own fears and misdeeds.”
 Brian Jacques
I think that's kind of indicative of a type of self-confidence that people develop when they recognize their own ability to create.
 Kehinde Wiley
“Fear doesn’t go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.”
 Steven Pressfield
Live the present intensely and fully, do not let the past be a burden and let the future be an incentive. Each person forges his or her own destiny.
Live the present intensely and fully, do not let the past be a burden and let the future be an incentive. Each person forges his or her own destiny.
 Carlos Slim Helu
Having the chance to play sports growing up teaches you all kinds of life lessons. It gives young people confidence and instills in them motivation and drive to be the best one can be. It's absolutely invaluable.
 April Ross