Confident quotes - page 23

“Act with purpose, courage, confidence, competence, and intelligence until these qualities ‘lock in’ to your subconscious mind.”
“Act with purpose, courage, confidence, competence, and intelligence until these qualities ‘lock in’ to your subconscious mind.”
The ego will always be able to find ways to keep the aspirant busy in self-improvement, thus binding him or her to the fact that the self is still there behind all the improvements. For why should the ego kill itself?
 Paul Brunton
Because of the Korean free trade agreement, South Koreans who want Oregon blueberries are gonna see their prices go down because we will be getting rid of a 45 percent tariff on this Oregon product.
 Ron Wyden
“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”
One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.
 Arthur Ashe
Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.
It's good to be challenged, to keep moving forward, and keep being inspired and scared. I feel like, if you're not afraid of something, you shouldn't do it. If you're just coasting through things, what's the point? You're not learning.
 Nina Dobrev
I have me brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and with a courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words.
Change will never happen when people lack the ability and courage to see themselves for who they are.
Thus much for thy assurance know; a hollow friend is but a hellish foe.
Thus much for thy assurance know; a hollow friend is but a hellish foe.
 Nicholas Breton
“One mark of a great soldier is that a great soldier fights on his own terms or fights not at all.”
To be successful, you really have to put your ego in the background and try to be diplomatic to achieve what you want to achieve.
 Ken Adam
Mum, who had been a dancer with a small ballet company before she got married, was full of encouragement. She didn't say, "This is really good, you should do this", She just encouraged us to do whatever we liked.
 Dannii Minogue
Bryant Gumbel's ego has applied for statehood. And if it's accepted, it will be the fifth-largest.
 Willard Scott
He who moves not forward, goes backward.
I have accepted fear as a part of life - specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back.
Is it a bad sign when the thought of your x-girlfriend makes you say things like, Satan is a myth... I guess.
 Dov Davidoff
There is only one categorical imperative in golf, and that is to hit the ball. There are no minor absolutes.
 Charles Walter Simpson
The ego seeks fame and fortune. Humility doesn\'t seek at all - it accepts.
The ego seeks fame and fortune. Humility doesn't seek at all - it accepts.
I place no hope in my strength, nor in my works: but all my confidence is in God my protector, who never abandons those who have put all their hope and thought in him.
 Francois Rabelais