Confident quotes - page 19

Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem.
Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem.
“Education shows the path to the door of opportunity. It gives confidence and hope to open it.”
 Debasish Mridha
Never be frightened! Be fearless! There is no room for fear. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is adharma and fear is disloyalty. All delusions emanate from this evil called fear.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
You proceed from a false assumption: I have no ego to bruise.
 Leonard Nimoy
For instance, it is certain that women do not want a woman for President. Nor would they have the slightest confidence in her ability to fulfill the functions of that office.
I invest because I love helping entrepreneurs and watching them learn and succeed. In my opinion your motives are driven by self serving factors around ego satisfaction and "making a buck". My motives and values are very different.
 Ron Conway
“The warrior fights with courage not with anger.”
 Ashanti Proverb
Low self-confidence is simply a problem of Awareness. Once you are aware of the Truth about yourself, you will be able to understand why you are the way you are and, most importantly, learn to love and accept yourself.
 Robert Anthony
“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You can not withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.\'”
“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You can not withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.'”
 Warrior Quote
The more we refuse to buy into our inner critics - and our external ones too - the easier it will get to have confidence in our choices, and to feel comfortable with who we are.
 Arianna Huffington
There are two levers for moving men - interest and fear.
The most effectual encouragement to population is, the activity of industry, and the consequent multiplication of the national products.
 Thomas Malthus
“Warriors don’t raise to the level of expectations, they fall to the level of their training.”
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
“A warrior’s greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
Friendly people are caring people, eager to provide encouragement and support when needed most.
 Rosabeth Moss Kanter
My mother taught me about the power of inspiration and courage, and she did it with a strength and a passion that I wish could be bottled.
 Carly Fiorina
I was homeless and I was in San Diego and I started singing in a local coffee shop and people started coming to hear me sing.
I was homeless and I was in San Diego and I started singing in a local coffee shop and people started coming to hear me sing.
One of my mottos is flaunt what you've got left.
 Cybill Shepherd