Inspirational Competition Quotes to Fuel Your Drive to Succeed - page 40

Now, we are seeing many of these same companies face the truth about their financial standing. Congress is faced with the challenge of reforming our accounting industry and holding corporate executives responsible for their actions.
Now, we are seeing many of these same companies face the truth about their financial standing. Congress is faced with the challenge of reforming our accounting industry and holding corporate executives responsible for their actions.
 Bennie Thompson
Although I feel directing is a lot more challenging, fulfilling and satisfying, it is also far more stressful & consuming. This is why I don't see myself directing one film after another in quick succession.
 Nandita Das
Then shut up or grab a sword and come help. (Takeshi) Is that a challenge? (Savitar) It would be if I didn’t know for a fact that you’re too lazy to rise to one. (Takeshi)
Jesus calls us to a holiness that is positive, generous and openhearted. It's a difficult, daring challenge - do we accept it?
 Justin Welby
I accept challenges, I have always done that in writing.
 Jack Prelutsky
Making fun of anyone who seeks happiness rather than money and accusing them of "lacking ambition.
Once you've been number one, you can never be satisfied with less.
 Chris Evert
As a matter of fact, it's in our interests that we help reformers across the Middle East achieve their objectives. This is the fundamental challenge of the 21st century.
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Whenever you experiment with something, it\'s very easy to take the emotion out of it. And going back and forth between wanting to be respected artistically and wanting to move people is its own challenge.
Whenever you experiment with something, it's very easy to take the emotion out of it. And going back and forth between wanting to be respected artistically and wanting to move people is its own challenge.
 Steven Soderbergh
The mother must socialize her daughter to become subordinate to men, and if her daughter challenges patriarchal norms, the mother is likely to defend the patriarchal structures against her own daughters.
 Carol P. Christ
I do tend to like movies that challenge me, professionally. That's mostly on a smaller scale, when you have one or two or five actors, and it's all about the acting and not the camera.
 Ayelet Zurer
Satisfaction is the death of ambition.
 Nikki Yanofsky
We'll be competitive with organized labor, we're also competitive with regular, unorganized labor, working people who see their stakes and their future in the plans we're putting forward to move Massachusetts forward.
 Deval Patrick
patriarchal academic hierarchies in science and technology are now overspecialized and abstract, perhaps because they have systematically excluded women, as well as minorities, with challenging, alternative views.
 Hazel Henderson
Without my mother's ambition, her drive, I doubt that on my own I would have pushed myself out of Pozzuoli and into the frightening world that was faraway Rome.
 Sophia Loren
I've learned in my life that it's important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you're not familiar or accustomed to. That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.
 J. R. Martinez
Fortunately, any kind of setback has represented a challenge to do better, rather than an acceptance of inferiority on my part.
 Frances Parkinson Keyes
When I was asked to join this club and I saw the quality and ambitions of the manager it was an easy choice for me to make.
When I was asked to join this club and I saw the quality and ambitions of the manager it was an easy choice for me to make.
 Ricardo Carvalho
It's a challenge getting rid of your accent.
 Odeya Rush