Inspirational Competition Quotes to Fuel Your Drive to Succeed - page 28

A woman should always challenge our respect, and never move our compassion.
A woman should always challenge our respect, and never move our compassion.
You wanna know what scares people? Success. When you don't make moves and when you don't climb up the ladder, everybody loves you because you're not competition.
 Nicki Minaj
The challenge of screenwriting is to say much in little and then take half of that little out and still preserve an effect of leisure and natural movement
 Raymond Chandler
It took me some time to learn that although every one secretly cherishes the ambition to be 'put in a book,' no one is ever satisfied with anything save incense, butter, and honey, unrelieved by salt or spice.
 Gertrude Atherton
Find your spirit, and no challenge will keep you from achieving your goals.
 Chris Penn
The extreme geniality of San Francisco's economic, intellectual and political climate makes it the most varied and challenging city in the United States.
 James A. Michener
He's stepping up to challenge me. Anybody that challenges me, has got to get dogged out. That's my job.
 James Toney
Perhaps middle-age is, or should be, a period of shedding shells; the shell of ambition, the shell of material accumulations and possessions, the shell of the ego.
 Anne Morrow Lindbergh
There are only two sources of competitive advantage: the ability to learn more about our customers faster than the competition and the ability to turn that learning into action faster than the competition.
 Jack Welch
The problem of freedom in America is that of maintaining a competition of ideas, and you do not achieve that by silencing one brand of idea.
The problem of freedom in America is that of maintaining a competition of ideas, and you do not achieve that by silencing one brand of idea.
 Max Lerner
I find acting slightly nerve racking, but I like the challenge.
 Jane Wiedlin
Music was what I always wanted to do and I was one of the lucky few to achieve my ambition and earn a living from it for which I'm very grateful.
When you have a true ambition for something, you will not give up hope. Giving up hope is a sign that you are lacking ambition to achieve that goal!
 Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler
Ambition will, and should, always outstrip achievement.
 Fay Weldon
Such is the audacity of man, that he hath learned to counterfeit Nature, yea, and is so bold as to challenge her in her work.
 Pliny the Elder
Ambition is not what a man would do, but what a man does, for ambition without action is fantasy.
The highly ambitious person, in spite of all his successes, always remains dissatisfied, in the same way as a greedy baby is never satisfied.
 Melanie Klein
The challenges surrounding HIV and AIDS are getting more complex and mature, and we just can't stick our heads in the sand and say 'it can't happen to me.'
 Brande Roderick
The challenges and how we deal with them: that\'s what defines us. 
 Problems don\'t define us; it\'s our ability to overcome and transform.
The challenges and how we deal with them: that's what defines us. Problems don't define us; it's our ability to overcome and transform.
If you're attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn't, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income.
 Jay Abraham