Inspirational Competition Quotes to Fuel Your Drive to Succeed - page 21

One of the things about Scrubs is that it\'s about great friendships and... as broad and as serious as we get it\'s always really about friendship. It\'s about getting through the challenging parts of your life with the help of your friends.
One of the things about Scrubs is that it's about great friendships and... as broad and as serious as we get it's always really about friendship. It's about getting through the challenging parts of your life with the help of your friends.
 Zach Braff
Bill Maher and I are on against each other, and we're friends. He can do my show any time he wants, and I've done Politically Incorrect several times. There's no reason to think competition has to be adversarial.
I've got a couple of things over [ Wladimir Klitschko]: He wouldn't spar with me when I went to the camp and I beat him in a mental toughness competition in the sauna.
 Tyson Fury
Being your best when your best is needed. The ability to enjoy challenges when things become difficult and to derive exhilaration from them.
It is love and friendship, the sanctity and celebration of our relationships, that not only support a good life, but create one. Through friendships, we spark and inspire one another's ambitions.
 Wallace Stegner
I still reject lead roles, as I don't accept any role if I don't find it challenging enough. I am very careful while making selections.
 Boman Irani
Ambition makes the same mistake concerning power that avarice makes concerning wealth. She begins by accumulating power as a means to happiness, and she finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end.
American workers won't be able to compete fairly for jobs until companies have to pay higher wages in countries like China and India.
 Andy Stern
The Samurai always has to rise and move on, because new challenges will come.
 Lyoto Machida
For someone grieving, moving forward is the challenge. Because after extreme loss, you want to go back.
For someone grieving, moving forward is the challenge. Because after extreme loss, you want to go back.
 Holly Goldberg Sloan
Action often precedes the feeling.
Ambition is a devouring fire, who can poise it? It is a wind, who can fathom it? It is an abyss, who is able to recount the sources and issues thereof?
 Nicolas Caussin
I have never had, nor will I ever have, any [political] ambitions. The only thing on which I have always set my heart is being able to gain God's good pleasure and, therefore, trying to make him known correctly and loved by humanity.
 Fethullah Gulen
I hope the time will never come when I shall feel satisfied. To reach the goal of one's ambitions must be tragic.
 N. C. Wyeth
The abjection of our political situation is the only true challenge today. Only facing up to this situation in all its desperation can help us get out of it.
 Jean Baudrillard
Humility was an important part of the way I grew up. And I found that to be less common when I moved to California. That's not to say humble people don't exist there, but ambition seems really important.
 Anna Kendrick
Through a forest of challenges, thought moves and squirms, resisting beguilements; if it endures, it emerges pure.
 Dejan Stojanovic
Ambition does not see the earth she treads on: The rock and the herbage are of one substance to her.
 Walter Savage Landor
Like many businessmen of genius he learned that free competition was wasteful, monopoly efficient. And so he simply set about achieving that efficient monopoly.
Like many businessmen of genius he learned that free competition was wasteful, monopoly efficient. And so he simply set about achieving that efficient monopoly.
 Mario Puzo
The competition is so fierce once you become an adult. I'll probably move on to something else.
 Jodi Sweetin