Civilization comes at a cost ...

Civilization comes at a cost of manliness. It comes at a cost of wildness, of risk, of strife. It comes at a cost of strength, of courage, of mastery. It comes at a cost of honor. Increased civilization exacts a toll of virility, forcing manliness into further redoubts of vicariousness and abstraction.
 Jack Donovan

Quotes from the same author

A man is not merely a man but a man among men, in a world of men. Being good at being a man has more to do with a man’s ability to succeed with men and within groups of men than it does with a man’s relationship to any woman or any group of women. When someone tells a man to be a man, they are telling him to be more like other men, more like the majority of men, and ideally more like the men who other men hold in high regard.
 Jack Donovan
Men of ideas and men of action have much to learn from each other, and the truly great are men of both action and abstraction.
 Jack Donovan
Without action, words are just words. Without violence, laws are just words. Violence isn’t the only answer, but it is the final answer.
 Jack Donovan