Chestnuts are delicacies for ...

Chestnuts are delicacies for princes and a lusty and masculine food for rusticks, and able to make women well-complexioned.
 John Evelyn

Quotes from the same author

Our blessed Savior chose the Garden for his Oratory, and dying, for the place of his Sepulchre; and we do avouch for many weighty causes, that there are none more fit to bury our dead in than in our Gardens and Groves, where our Beds may be decked with verdant and fragrant flowers, Trees and Perennial Plants, the most natural and instructive Hieroglyphics of our expected Resurrection and Immortality.
 John Evelyn
Gardening is a labour full of tranquility and satisfaction; natural and instructive, and as such contributes to the most serious contemplation, experience, health and longevity.
 John Evelyn
Mulberry Garden, now the only place of refreshment about the town for persons of the best quality to be exceeding cheated at.
 John Evelyn
Freindshipp is beyond all relations of flesh and blood, because it is less materiall.
 John Evelyn
I saw Hamlet Prince of Denmark played; but now the old plays begin to disgust this refined age.
 John Evelyn