Inspirational Character Quotes to Help You Build Your Best Self - page 3

A strong character is the foundation of a strong life.
A strong character is the foundation of a strong life.
Your character is not determined by your circumstances, but by how you respond to them.
Character is not something that can be given to you, but something that you earn.
Character is what defines us when no one is watching.
Your character is the sum total of your values, beliefs, and actions.
A person's character is defined by their response to challenges.
Where reverence is, there is fear; for he who has a feeling of reverence and shame about the commission of any action, fears and is afraid of an ill reputation.
The thing about San Francisco is that it has this kind of magical quality.
 Muddy Waters
A good reputation is more valuable than money.
 Publilius Syrus
Television studios bet the farm on reality shows, where they didn\'t need any actors and movie studios had no plans for any quality movies that required the presence of me.
Television studios bet the farm on reality shows, where they didn't need any actors and movie studios had no plans for any quality movies that required the presence of me.
 Alfre Woodard
Mandela stands alone in possessing all of the qualities of other great men, but has one quality which is transcendent... his ability to forgive and to place others above himself.
 Kevin Allen
Librarian like Stewardess, Certified Public Accountant, Used Car Salesman is one of those occupations that people assume attract a certain deformed personality.
 Elizabeth McCracken
The world needs role models, instead of critics.
Rational behavior requires theory. Reactive behavior requires only reflex action.
 W. Edwards Deming
In the kingdom of consumption the citizen is king. A democratic monarchy: equality before consumption, fraternity in consumption, and freedom through consumption.
 Raoul Vaneigem
Most people have only half developed their single personalities. That a man should split his into four and more; and should develop each separately and perfectly, was so abnormal that many normals failed to understand it.
 Frederick Rolfe
That in affairs of very considerable importance men should deal with one another with satisfaction of mind, and mutual confidence, they must receive competent assurances concerning the integrity, fidelity, and constancy each of other.
 Isaac Barrow
I didn't anticipate the primal quality of my pleasure, the raw physicality of it, the way my whole body leaps forward when I see my grandsons after a few days' absence.
 Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Don\'t go into business with the sole objective of making lot of money. If you put service, quality, and customer satisfaction first-the money will follow.
Don't go into business with the sole objective of making lot of money. If you put service, quality, and customer satisfaction first-the money will follow.
 Paul Clitheroe
By taking elements you observe in life, you can develop qualities in your acting life that you don't ordinarily call upon in your personal life.
 Stella Adler