Inspiring Change Quotes to Help You Embrace Life's Transformations - page 8

The acquisition of the most elementary truth does not devolve upon the individual alone: it is pre-effected in the development of the race.
The acquisition of the most elementary truth does not devolve upon the individual alone: it is pre-effected in the development of the race.
 Ernst Mach
When I was asked to write a message for your brochure I gladly accepted as I remember my first school tour of England was Wales. The experience proved extremely useful in my development of a cricketer.
 Graeme Smith
The dialogue is out there, the veil has been lifted. We all know that there's a ways to go. We're still fighting uphill battles, and you just have to hone in on making change, one dialogue at a time, one course of action at a time.
 Kate Hudson
To achieve goals you've never achieved before, you need to start doing things you've never done before.
I feel that I have such an abundance in my life, and once you've seen how many people suffer and how little it takes for you to actually change their lives for the better, it's hard not to do something.
 Wendie Malick
During the whole time I sat with him in Congress, I never heard him utter three sentences together.
The transformation of object-libido into narcissistic libido which thus takes place obviously implies an abandonment of sexual aims, a desexualization - a kind of sublimation, therefore.
Revolutionaries are rarely motivated primarily by material considerations-though the illusion that they are persists in the West.
 Henry A. Kissinger
I believe that history has shape, order, and meaning; that exceptional men, as much as economic forces, produce change; and that passe abstractions like beauty, nobility, and greatness have a shifting but continuing validity.
It changed my life. I saw art then as I wanted to see it.
It changed my life. I saw art then as I wanted to see it.
 Mary Cassatt
It is impossible to stand upright when one plants his roots in the shifting sands of popular opinion and approval.
The Monkees changed my life but ruined my acting career.
 Davy Jones
In the absence of a great dream pettiness prevails. Shred visions foster risk taking, courage and innovation. Keeping the end in mind creates the confidence to make decisions even in moments of crisis.
 Peter Senge
After all, the internet originated around 1960 and wasn't privatized until 1995. That's thirty five years in the public domain during the hard, creative development period.
Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.
The great cause of revolutions is this, that while nations move onward, constitutions stand still.
 Thomas B. Macaulay
In the Fragments, sensations are more profound and richly clarified through deliberate and explicit pattern; emotions are given a sequence and development such as the exigencies of practical life rarely permit.
 Alton Tobey
It turns out we get so much healthier when we convert to a green energy economy that our health savings alone are enough to pay for the cost of the energy transition.
It turns out we get so much healthier when we convert to a green energy economy that our health savings alone are enough to pay for the cost of the energy transition.
The art of progress is to preserve order amid change, and to preserve change amid order.