Inspiring Change Quotes to Help You Embrace Life's Transformations - page 5

In parallel with the development of my interests in technical gadgetry I began to acquire a profound love of and respect for the natural world which motivates my scientific thinking to this day.
In parallel with the development of my interests in technical gadgetry I began to acquire a profound love of and respect for the natural world which motivates my scientific thinking to this day.
 Robert B. Laughlin
As a result of the feminist revolution, feminine becomes an abusive epithet.
 Wyndham Lewis
Software innovation, like almost every other kind of innovation, requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people, and to sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs.
There's a deep-freeze of sorts for all good intentions - a place that you store your plans to make changes in your life when you know you're not going to make them at all.
 Jeffrey Kluger
A person susceptible to "wanderlust" is not so much addicted to movement as committed to transformation.
 Pico Iyer
To achieve progress and development it is necessary to bring about co-ordination between liberty and security through Devotion.
 Pandurang Shastri Athavale
There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse.
 Washington Irving
Industries and businesses that must operate in the marketplace of free choice know that they must change, they must adapt, they must accommodate to changes in public attitudes-or they will surely die.
 William Ruckelshaus
You know, the only way I've found to make these pictures is with animators. You can't seem to do it with accountants and bookkeepers.
Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?
Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?
 Patrick Henry
I realized that my truest passion was for helping people change through faith in a higher power. That meant, for me, belonging to the church. Using my abilities to bring Christian doctrine to a postmodern world.
 James McGreevey
People like the idea of innovation in the abstract, but when you present them with any specific innovation, they tend to reject it because it doesn't fit with what they already know.
 Jessica Livingston
Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This is a question of the first importance for the revolution.
 Mao Zedong
Heroism is about taking an action which represents a breakthrough, and then assuming full responsiblity for it, even if it's a failure.
 Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof
Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.
This was what it meant to be human, to know that time moved and all things changed.
 Alice Hoffman
We deplore the outrages which accompany revolutions. But the more violent the outrages, the more assured we feel that a revolution was necessary.
 Thomas B. Macaulay
It ain’t innovation unless something moves.
 Bob Allen
All power appears only in transition. Permanent power is stuff.
All power appears only in transition. Permanent power is stuff.
In an adequate social order, the untalented should be able to acquire a sense of usefulness and of growth without interfering with the development of talent around them