Inspiring Change Quotes to Help You Embrace Life's Transformations - page 29

If you\'re going through hell, keep going.
If you're going through hell, keep going.
In science the important thing is to modify and change one's ideas as science advances.
 Herbert Spencer
In a few days, I will have them all guillotined in Paris.
 Jean-Paul Marat
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
The whole technological revolution and evolution gives man tremendous capabilities for good, and it also gives individuals tremendous capability to carry out what result in lethal action.
 John O. Brennan
Human development is a form of chronological unfairness, since late-comers are able to profit by the labors of their predecessors without paying the same price.
 Alexander Herzen
Divorce is just about change, you know. It's God saying, You need a change. And I'm going to make it so your bank account only has change.
 Christopher Titus
If you find it difficult to accept failure then you simply won't get any innovation because employees will be too frightened
 Terry Leahy
I have accepted fear as a part of life - specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back.
Ultimately, your state of mind determines your circumstances. To realize the outcomes you want, it is critical to recognize and experience the transition from our present thoughts, habits, and actions to new thoughts, habits, and actions.
Ultimately, your state of mind determines your circumstances. To realize the outcomes you want, it is critical to recognize and experience the transition from our present thoughts, habits, and actions to new thoughts, habits, and actions.
 Darren Johnson
Although we must change the ways we protect our country, we must also guard against policies that appear attractive but offer little real protection and may even impede our ability to protect ourselves.
 Richard Burr
I wanted to leave high school in 1958 and join the Cuban revolution. So the only reason I did not come to join [Fidel] Castro was because my mother would not let me. I was only 16.
 Huey Newton
To have a major breakthrough in policy, you have to be able to stop and think.
I think we have to understand that the nation-state became powerful in the wake of the French Revolution, whereas the nation-state has become powerless in light of globalization.
 Grace Lee Boggs
The right of revolution, which tyrants, in mockery, accord to mankind, is no legal right under a government; it is only a natural right to overturn a government.
 Lysander Spooner
We Social-Democrats always stand for democracy, not "in the name of capitalism," but in the name of clearing the path for our movement, which clearing is impossible without the development of capitalism.
Good governance is treating development as a mass movement in order to see that fruits of development reach the poor and the downtrodden.
Nature knows no pause in progress and development, and attaches her curse on all inaction.
The One remains, the many change and pass;
Heaven\'s light forever shines, Earth\'s shadows fly;
Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass,
Stains the white radiance of Eternity,
Until Death tramples it to fragments.
The One remains, the many change and pass; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity, Until Death tramples it to fragments.
Life is its own journey, presupposes its own change and movement, and one tries to arrest them at one's eternal peril.
 Laurens van der Post