By the combination of lines ...

By the combination of lines and colors, under the pretext of some motif taken from nature, I create symphonies and harmonies that represent nothing absolutely real in the ordinary sense of the word but are intended to give rise to thoughts as music does.
 Paul Gauguin

Quotes from the same author

The single most powerful tool for winning a negotiation is the ability to get up and walk away from the table without a deal
 Paul Gauguin
I am leaving in order to have peace and quiet. To be rid of the influence of civilization. I only want to do simple, very simple art and to be able to do that, I have to immerse myself in virgin nature, see no one but savages, live their life, with no other thought in my mind but to render, the way a child would, the concepts formed in my brain and to do this with the aid of nothing but the primitive means of art, the only means that are good and true.
 Paul Gauguin
I sit at my door, smoking a cigarette and sipping my absinthe, and I enjoy every day without a care in the world
 Paul Gauguin
Seek art and abstraction in nature by dreaming in the presence of it.
 Paul Gauguin
A hint - don't paint too much direct from nature. Art is an abstraction! study nature then brood on it and treasure the creation which will result, which is the only way to ascend towards God - to create like our Divine Master.
 Paul Gauguin