But to say that Sarah Palin ...

But to say that Sarah Palin and the tea party movement is responsible for vandalism or threats is just a way to dismiss the American people and, and their dissatisfaction with this health care bill.
 Laura Ingraham

Quotes from the same author

Being a happy warrior, you also have a lot of fun in what you do because you believe in what you're doing.
 Laura Ingraham
A movement election is a different type of election. It's an election where the people start moving into a direction because they think the country is failing or going down the tubes or the establishment has failed them.
 Laura Ingraham
I think the Tea Party monicker has kind of outlived its use. I think this is just an America movement, I mean, and you and others are really, you know, responsible for igniting this new civic engagement that's very positive.
 Laura Ingraham
The American movement, Tea Party, whatever you want to call it, I think that is a very hopeful moment for the country and, I know, we really are the community organizers, are we not?
 Laura Ingraham