But angels come to lead frail ...

But angels come to lead frail minds to rest in chaste desires, on heavenly beauty bound. You frame my thoughts, and fashion me within; you stop my tongue, and teach my heart to speak.
 Edmund Spenser

Quotes from the same author

Ill can he rule the great that cannot reach the small.
 Edmund Spenser
Like as the culver on the bared bough Sits mourning for the absence of her mate
 Edmund Spenser
There learned arts do flourish in great honour And poets's wits are had in peerless price; Religion hath lay power, to rest upon her, Advancing virtue, and suppressing vice. For end all good, all grace there freely grows, Had people grace it gratefully to use: For God His gifts there plenteously bestows, But graceless men them greatly do abuse.
 Edmund Spenser
good Hobbinoll, what garres thee greete? What! hath some wolfe thy tender lambes ytorne? Or is thy bagpype broke, that soundes so sweete? Or art thou of thy loved lasse forlorne?
 Edmund Spenser
All flesh doth frailty breed!
 Edmund Spenser