Inspiring Business Quotes to Motivate Entrepreneurs - page 94

Work hard at work worth doing.
Work hard at work worth doing.
A business like acting is 90% luck. You can be a star one minute and out of work the next
 Amber Tamblyn
I'm a fan of musicals from great masters, and I was able to have an opportunity to express myself in musical numbers with Glee.
 Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He says 'I was beaten,' he does not say 'My men were beaten.'
 Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Acquisition of skills requires a regular environment, an adequate opportunity to practice, and rapid and unequivocal feedback about the correctness of thoughts and actions.
 Daniel Kahneman
Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action. Being busy is most often used as a guise for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions.
 Tim Ferriss
It is not enough to be busy we must be productive. Everyone can account for every hour of the day but that does not mean anything was accomplished of value.
 Randall Wright
Not everyone has equal abilities, but everyone should have equal opportunity for education.
God will not move unless I say it. Why? because He has made us coworkers with Him. He set things up that way.
 Benny Hinn
The right combination is between a free economy and social policy that addresses the needs of society and creates equal opportunity.
The right combination is between a free economy and social policy that addresses the needs of society and creates equal opportunity.
 Benjamin Netanyahu
My achievements in the field of chess are the result of immense hard work in studying theory.
 Alexander Kotov
I am looking forward to being part of the E! team. This unique opportunity allows my company to take the next step in providing multimedia content.
 Ryan Seacrest
Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.
Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life.
 Abdul Kalam
Unless you dream, you're not going to achieve anything.
There is no better ballast for keeping the mind steady on its keel, and saving it from all risk of crankiness, than business.
 James Russell Lowell
Decrements in attention and concentration, being able to learn more efficiently, that's just not as good. Also, there are motor vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, we see that a lot.
 Shelby Harris
The American free market system is the greatest engine for prosperity and opportunity that the world has ever seen. Freedom works.
My best advice: Fall in love with what you do for a living.
My best advice: Fall in love with what you do for a living.
 George Burns
I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.