Inspiring Business Quotes to Motivate Entrepreneurs - page 93

Your pain is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself.
Your pain is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself.
We feel really blessed to have been asked to come here, and to have the opportunity for our family to be able to look into the eyes of these people, and in some way help.
 Connie Sellecca
Peace dies when the framework is ripped apart. When there is no longer a place that is yours in the world. When you know no longer where your friend is to be found.
 Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Synergism is the simultaneous actions of separate entities which together have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.
 Clay Buchholz
Evil doesn’t have to be an overt act; it can be merely the absence of good. If you have the ability, the resources, and the opportunity to do good and you do nothing, that can be evil.
 Yvon Chouinard
The more important the subject and the closer it cuts to the bone of our hopes and needs, the more we are likely to err in establishing a framework for analysis.
The old and honorable American notion, that a person who works hard should be able to live in freedom and security, with dignity - seems to have taken on a secondary status.
If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.
 John D. Rockefeller
It was nice to be reminded of how much hard work goes into movies, and how as a director, it's your job to acknowledge and channel that hard work. She's amazing at that.
 Rowan Blanchard
Those who move forward \
Those who move forward "with a" happy spirit will find that things alwas work out.
If you are willing to dream and then work hard and execute well, you can achieve more than you ever imagined.
 Maynard Webb
I think I work harder on the pitch, I cover more ground and my passing is more accurate.
 Frank Lampard
I find I'm luckier when I work harder.
 Denton Cooley
If you want to sustain excellence over a long time, you'd better come up with a system that works well. Anyone can sprint for a little while, but you can't sprint for forty years.
 Michael Dell
So, I certainly subscribe to what Bette said about acting being very hard work.
 Marie Windsor
It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, a symbol rather than reason by which men are moved.
 Irwin Edman
Decorators never quite saw the point of massing books. Books brought colour to a room and filled it up, but shelves bearing just one thing struck them as a decorative display opportunity tragically lost.
 Peter York
Cost-effective, attractive to business partners, environmentally friendly, easy access to a wide range of guidance and support - it makes good business sense to implement and maintain a robust and effective environmental management system
 Elliot Morley
I do not love to work out, but if I stick to exercising every day and put the right things in my mouth, then my diabetes just stays in check.
I do not love to work out, but if I stick to exercising every day and put the right things in my mouth, then my diabetes just stays in check.
 Halle Berry
The Western societies which espouse free market capitalism survive by the pursuit of greed and, in their own way, like Communism, throw into leadership men and women (mostly men) who know how to gain, exert and manipulate power.
 Davis McCaughey