Inspiring Business Quotes to Motivate Entrepreneurs - page 59

Ephemeralization means the ability to do everything with nothing, or leverage, or doing more with less. So, as a businessman, I\'m constantly ephemeralizing, figuring out how I can do more and more for less and less.
Ephemeralization means the ability to do everything with nothing, or leverage, or doing more with less. So, as a businessman, I'm constantly ephemeralizing, figuring out how I can do more and more for less and less.
I've found that what most people call luck is often little more than raw talent combined with the ability to make the most of opportunities. (Talon Karrde)
 Timothy Zahn
There is an expression among even the most advanced runners that getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout
 Kathrine Switzer
The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.
To help U.S. workers, farmers and businesses, and Americas long-term economic security, Congress should take decisive action to bring about fair trade with China, instead of squandering this opportunity on a weak Republican bill.
 Joe Baca
Years ago, manhood was an opportunity for achievement, and now it is a problem to be overcome.
 Garrison Keillor
Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people under one God saluting one American flag.
Drumming is like film directing. You build a framework for everyone to create something together.
 James Genn
...good luck waits to come to that man who accepts opportunity.
 George S. Clason
The E.U.-U.S. Open Aviation Area agreement therefore envisages the establishment of a broadly similar cooperation framework between the Commission and the Department of Transportation.
The E.U.-U.S. Open Aviation Area agreement therefore envisages the establishment of a broadly similar cooperation framework between the Commission and the Department of Transportation.
 Neelie Kroes
The framework of the artist's ideas is clearly only that which he is forever seeking for universality, and must be far wider than the framework of the ideals of the patriot.
 Sean O Faolain
Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.
 W. Clement Stone
I never did anything alone. Whatever was accomplished in this country was accomplished collectively.
 Golda Meir
It is our art that has an opportunity to leave a footprint in the sand. They don't wrap fish in our work.
 Hugh Newell Jacobsen
Make your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will find your customers buying from them, not you.
 Mark Cuban
The challenge we now face is to build on the record of the past, to continue accepting new responsibilities and seeking new opportunities to serve.
 Lady Bird Johnson
Fifteen years ago, if you said business will help save the environment people would have laughed at you. Today, I believe that is a serious proposition.
This syndrome, SARS, is now a worldwide health threat... The world needs to work together to find its cause, cure the sick and stop its spread.
 Gro Harlem Brundtland
They\'s making it worse, the labor movement got the mafia curse.
They's making it worse, the labor movement got the mafia curse.
 Frank Zappa
To the young: Work, work, work, and then work some more!
 Ed Reed