Inspiring Business Quotes to Motivate Entrepreneurs - page 4

The greatest reward in business is not financial gain, but the satisfaction of making a positive impact.
The greatest reward in business is not financial gain, but the satisfaction of making a positive impact.
Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.
In business, the greatest asset is not money, it's people.
In business, there are no shortcuts to success, only hard work and perseverance.
To succeed in business, you need to have a clear understanding of your target market.
In business, taking calculated risks is essential for growth and success.
A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.
The most successful businesses are those that are able to create a strong brand and reputation.
The customer is not always right, but their satisfaction is always the top priority in business.
Failure is not the opposite of success in business, it's a part of the journey.
The best businesses are those that are able to consistently deliver exceptional value to their customers.
If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
Business is a game of strategy, and the best players always think ahead.
Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.
 Tony Hsieh
When those with ability at their job get to thinking they can't be done without, they're already on their way out.
 Malcolm Forbes
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - and Jill a wealthy widow.
 Evan Esar
Your actions in passing, pass not away, for every good work is a grain of seed for eternal life.
 Bernard of Clairvaux
I dream of big things. I work for the small things. If you're going to dream, you might as well dream big. A lot of that came from my mother. She was adamant about the work ethic---about how you can't just dream things.
 Kevin Costner
I was lucky, I had support from Mum and Dad - they said as long as you work hard, anything is possible. I never thought past those two things - that I liked living in imaginary worlds and that it is possible to do that for a living.
I was lucky, I had support from Mum and Dad - they said as long as you work hard, anything is possible. I never thought past those two things - that I liked living in imaginary worlds and that it is possible to do that for a living.
 Harry Treadaway
Almost any idea is good if a man has ability and is willing to work hard. The best idea is worthless if the creator is a loafer and ineffective.
 William Feather