Inspiring Business Quotes to Motivate Entrepreneurs - page 31

Laziness is the mother of all evils.
Laziness is the mother of all evils.
I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.
Balanced budget requirements seem more likely to produce accounting ingenuity than genuinely balanced budgets.
President Coolidge said, 'I don't want the Government to go into business.' Well, if I was Mr. Coolidge I wouldn't worry over that. The Government never has been accused of being a business man.
It is one of the enjoyments of retirement that you are able to drift through the day at your own pace, easy in the knowledge that you have put hard work and achievement behind you.
 Kazuo Ishiguro
There's no one actor in particular that I want to model my career after, except for the people who have been able to keep their career varied and who choose things that interest them. That opportunity is all I really want.
 Hugh Dancy
I can work hard and be disciplined like a soldier, but I could never reach their level of fitness. I have a whole new appreciation of soldiers. I saw myself on screen and thought, 'That body is so not hard enough to be a soldier.'
 Richard Armitage
GRIT is Guts, Resilience, Industriousness and Tenacity. GRIT is the ability to focus, stay determined, stay optimistic in the face of a challenge, and simply work harder than the next guy or gal.
 Linda Kaplan Thaler
Summits are best at dealing with problems, where the need for action is urgent and the range of possible actions limited. They are less good at dealing with opportunities.
 David Souter
Marketing strategy is a series of integrated actions leading to a sustainable competitive advantage.
Marketing strategy is a series of integrated actions leading to a sustainable competitive advantage.
 John Sculley
It's just one day at a time. I love multi-tasking and I'm really organized and when you have a certain work ethic, which all the girls have, we all have that same thing going on.
 Kris Jenner
Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They're both important and schools are forgetting one of them.
The lessons I learned in Vietnam and in the NFL reinforced one another: teamwork, sacrifice, responsibility, accountability, and leadership.
 Rocky Bleier
No one can suffer for all time. No one will spend all his days on this earth in suffering. Every action brings its own result, and one gets one's opportunities accordingly.
 Sarada Devi
Formula for success: rise early, work hard, strike oil.
 J. Paul Getty
What you do is infinitely more important than how you do it.
 Tim Ferriss
Business is all about solving people's problems - at a profit.
 Paul Marsden
All great success and achievement is preceded and accompanied by hard, hard, work. When in doubt, 'try harder.' And if that doesn't work, try harder still!
I\'ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.
I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.
 Larry Bird
As someone who is in awe and grateful every day to be in a country where freedom of the press, free speech and free elections are a way of life, I am wowed, amazed and excited by the opportunity to moderate a 2012 presidential debate.
 Candy Crowley