Inspiring Business Quotes to Motivate Entrepreneurs - page 22

It is every Muslim\'s duty to fight those of a different belief until only Allah is worshipped around the world. Everybody has the opportunity to accept Allah and to change to the right path.
It is every Muslim's duty to fight those of a different belief until only Allah is worshipped around the world. Everybody has the opportunity to accept Allah and to change to the right path.
 Abdul Sattar Abu Risha
I've got this theory that human beings are innately religious; we have a belief system. It doesn't have to be a theist form, necessarily. But we need a belief system, some framework on which to hang our behavior.
 Tana French
When you have the opportunity to choose projects, inevitably you start being moved towards the things that you're moved by, right? And that changes over time, as we change, right?
 Jake Gyllenhaal
Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction.
 Anne Frank
If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to learn to fall in love with hard work.
 Steve Pavlina
If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.
 Ivan Turgenev
One of the great movements in my lifetime among educated people is the need to commit themselves to action. Most people are not satisfied with giving money; we also feel we need to work.
Productive work, love and thought are possible only if a person can be, when necessary, quiet and alone. To be able to listen to oneself is the necessary condition for relating oneself to others.
The main business of religions is to purify, control, and restrain that excessive and exclusive taste for well-being which men acquire in times of equality.
A hundred thousand men, coming one after another, cannot move a Ton weight; but the united strength of 50 would transport it with ease.
A hundred thousand men, coming one after another, cannot move a Ton weight; but the united strength of 50 would transport it with ease.
If you were to write down all the possible ways to motivate people to do better work, friendly praise would have to come near the head of your list.
 Hannah Whitall Smith
I really believe there's no such thing as accidents, only opportunities. God gives everyone the ingredients to a good, happy life. It's up to us to make the most of them.
 Rachael Ray
In a free world, if it is to remain free, we must maintain, with our lives if need be, but surely by our lives, the opportunity for a man to learn anything
 J. Robert Oppenheimer
Freedom is not an achievement but an opportunity.
 Bhagat Puran Singh
The idea that war should be conducted within a moral framework may seem like a quaint medieval practice, but as speech separates humans from the apes, so morality separates civilisation from the barbarians.
 Eric Corley
I think to make any relationship work it just takes a tremendous amount of effort and accepting of one another.
 Rebecca Romijn
We must all work together in order to save the environment and the world that we live in from further change.
 David Foreman
The other thing being at UCLA was just being in California and around the movie business. Which I honestly believe, and I've told this to screenwriters, you have to do. You have to be there in order to write or direct movies.
 Shane Black
All work is easy work.
All work is easy work.
 Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.
 Tom Brokaw