Inspiring Business Quotes to Motivate Entrepreneurs - page 109

Don\'t try to be perfect. Life isn\'t; no one is. Use mistakes and mishaps as opportunities to grow tolerance and to teach. There is such a thing as happy accidents. And love, love, love and listen, listen, listen.
Don't try to be perfect. Life isn't; no one is. Use mistakes and mishaps as opportunities to grow tolerance and to teach. There is such a thing as happy accidents. And love, love, love and listen, listen, listen.
 Teri Hatcher
I'll repeat something you might consider tattooing on your forehead: What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.
 Tim Ferriss
Restraint offers a space between intention and action and the opportunity to protect others from actions or reactions that should exist only in your imagination
 Stephanie Dowrick
All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.
The business world worships mediocrity. Officially we revere free enterprise, initiative and individuality. Unofficially we fear it.
 George Lois
An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one.
If indeed we can create systems that allow individuals to access goods and services like health and housing and energy and water, in a way that they can afford, they'll all have greater choice, greater opportunity, greater dignity.
 Jacqueline Novogratz
There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.
 William Bennett
Bringing together the right information with the right people will dramatically improve a company's ability to develop and act on strategic business opportunities.
I would love to play cricket today, with all - I am not just talking of money - the opportunity you get, the practice facilities, the amount of time you are able to put into preparation.
I would love to play cricket today, with all - I am not just talking of money - the opportunity you get, the practice facilities, the amount of time you are able to put into preparation.
 Glenn Turner
The multiple roles that women can play in a society if given the opportunity is really a tremendous asset.
 Margaret Chan
Obviously, every child should be given the best possible opportunity to acquire literacy skills.
 Hugh Mackay
Around 2008 and again in 2013 NATO officially offered the Ukraine the opportunity to join NATO. That's something no Russian government is ever going to accept. It's right at the geopolitical heartland of Russia.
Other acting opportunities had come along, but nothing that was tantalizing enough to me to step away from what I found most interesting.
 Fred Savage
I've had a wonderful career and I'm very happy to have had all of the opportunities that I've had to tell stories and work for as long as I have. I'm sure there'll be a few more films but I'm happy that I'm able to be selective.
We came from a family where we ran our own small business. Our dad made his own products. We made our own sausages, our own meatloafs, our own pickles. Dad had to do everything himself. He had to figure out how to finance his business.
 Marcy Kaptur
I can't stress the importance of working hard enough, work on all aspects of your game. If you does that and you have the ability, you'll come through.
 Frank Lampard
Not to be able to bear poverty is a shameful thing, but not to know how to chase it away by work is a more shameful thing yet.
When we talk of freedom and opportunity for all nations, the mocking paradoxes in our own society become so clear they can no longer be ignored.
When we talk of freedom and opportunity for all nations, the mocking paradoxes in our own society become so clear they can no longer be ignored.
 Wendell Willkie
If civilization is going to survive, business and policy-makers must move on, to find within themselves more developed emotions than fear or greed.
 Anita Roddick