Quotes Brian Tracy - page 2
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The simple act of writing down a goal and making a written plan for its accomplishment moves you to the top 3 percent.
One of the things we know is that you cannot motivate other people, but you can remove the obstacles that stop them from motivating themselves. All motivation is self-motivation.
Winding up unfinished business with another person can give you a great burst of positive energy.
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Your persistence is, in fact, the true measure of your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed. Each time that you persist in the face of adversity and disappointment, you build the habit of persistence.
Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence, and persuade others to do things is absolutely indispensable to everything you accomplish in life. The most effective men and women in every area are those who can quite competently organize the cooperation and assistance of other people toward the accomplishment of important goals and objectives.
Implement your plans with courage and persistence. Have complete faith in your ability to succeed and never, ever give up.
Your ability to set goals and to make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success.
Your earning ability today is largely dependent upon your knowledge, skill and your ability to combine that knowledge and skill in such a way that you contribute value for which customers are going to pay.

Your earning ability is largely determined by the perception of excellence, quality, and value that others have of you and what you do. The market only pays excellent rewards for excellent performance. It pays average rewards for average performance, and it pays below average rewards or unemployment for below average performance.
Self-discipline is a great time-saver; it is the ability to make yourself work on only those things that are most important to you.
Your ability to concentrate single-mindedly on one thing, the most important thing, and stay at it until it is complete, is an essential prerequisite for success.
The more you work, study and develop your ability to contribute more to the lives and well-being of others, the better life you will have in all areas.
Entrepreneurial leadership requires the ability to move quickly when opportunity presents itself.
Your greatest asset is your earning ability, to apply your knowledge, skills in order to get results which others will pay.
When you absolutely believe in yourself and your ability to succeed, nothing will stop you.
The way you give your name to others is a measure of how much you like and respect yourself.
You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.
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Leaders are made, not born. You learn to become a leader by doing what other excellent leaders have done before you. You become proficient in your job or skill, and then you become proficient at understanding the motivations and behaviors of other people.