Blessed be the inventor of ...

Blessed be the inventor of photography! I set him above even the inventor of chloroform! It has given more positive pleasure to poor suffering humanity than anything else that has ''cast up'' in my time or is like to -- this art by which even the ''poor'' can possess themselves of tolerable likenesses of their absent dear ones. And mustn't it be acting favorably on the morality of the country?
 Jane Welsh Carlyle

Quotes from the same author

Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother.
 Jane Welsh Carlyle
The longer one lives in this hard world motherless, the more a mother's loss makes itself felt.
 Jane Welsh Carlyle
When one has been threatened with a great injustice, one accepts a smaller as a favour.
 Jane Welsh Carlyle
I am not at all the sort of person you and I took me for.
 Jane Welsh Carlyle