Believe Quotes: Encouragement for Your Journey - page 86

Thinking of the future, establishing aims for oneself, having preferences-all this presupposes a belief in freedom, even if one occasionally ascertains that one doesn\'t feel it.
Thinking of the future, establishing aims for oneself, having preferences-all this presupposes a belief in freedom, even if one occasionally ascertains that one doesn't feel it.
Voters want a fraud they can believe in.
 Will Durst
I still believe the momentum is there to accomplish comprehensive immigration reform, and I think there is a bipartisan coalition that would pass right now, a pathway to citizenship if Speaker Boehner lets it come to the floor.
 Joaquin Castro
I was on HPD--Heathcliff Protection Duty--in Wuthering Heights for two years, and believe me, the ProCaths tried everything. I personally saved him from assassination eight times.
 Jasper Fforde
I started out by believing God for a newer car than the one I was driving. I started out believing God for a nicer apartment than I had. Then I moved up.
 Jim Bakker
Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself.
 Adriana Lima
It's not going to happen through technology or our intellectual abilities but only through prayer. When we pray, God works. We believe God blesses churches that bless missions.
 David Jeremiah
I believe in the absolute oneness of God and, therefore, also of humanity. I have always believed God to be without form. What I did hear was like a Voice from afar, and yet quite near.
The falling leaf that tells of autumn's death is, in a subtler sense, a prophecy of spring.
But you have to have hope. You have to be optimistic in order to continue to move forward.
But you have to have hope. You have to be optimistic in order to continue to move forward.
 John Lewis
What I believe when it comes to big things in life, there are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason. You are here for a reason - and it's not to fail and die.
 Ransom Riggs
What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see. Perception, belief, action, and change are codependent.
 John Paul Caponigro
Improvisation is empowering because it welcomes the unknown. And since what's impossible is always unknown, it allows me to believe I can cheat the impossible.
 Philippe Petit
I certainly believe in limited government but protecting children against injury abuse is certainly inside my sphere of things that the government should do.
 Mitch Daniels
I also believe that academic freedom should protect the right of a professor or student to advocate Marxism, socialism, communism, or any other minority viewpoint - no matter how distasteful to the majority, provided...
 Richard M. Nixon
To be hopeful, to embrace one possibility after another that is surely the basic instinct - crying out: High tide! Time to move out into the glorious debris. Time to take this life for what it is!
I like connecting the abstract to the concrete. There's a tension in that. I believe the reader or listener should be able to enter the poem as a participant. So I try to get past resolving poems.
 Yusef Komunyakaa
My belief about acting in one foot on a banana peel and the other one in the grave.
 Mark Ruffalo
Energy follows thought; we move toward, but not beyond, what we can imagine. What we assume, expect, or believe creates and colors our experience. By expanding our deepest beliefs about what is possible, we change our experience of life.
Energy follows thought; we move toward, but not beyond, what we can imagine. What we assume, expect, or believe creates and colors our experience. By expanding our deepest beliefs about what is possible, we change our experience of life.
 Dan Millman
I'm asked so often whether I believe in life after death. I do believe in the sanctity of life, the continuity of life and of energy. I know the anonymity of death has no appeal for me. It is the now that I must face and want to face.
 Martha Graham