Believe Quotes: Encouragement for Your Journey - page 138

Some parents believe that competition helps prepare children to succeed. Others fear that their children will not be able to handle failure.
Some parents believe that competition helps prepare children to succeed. Others fear that their children will not be able to handle failure.
 Bill Dedman
I still can't believe that some pseudocritics continue to accuse me of having murdered tango. They have it backward. They should look at me as the saviour of tango. I performed plastic surgery on it.
 Astor Piazzolla
In those days it was pretty cut and dry. If you had a record company believing in you enough to cut an album then you had better have the ability to work the album on the road.
 Lou Gramm
Some Christians live in such fear, they act as if they believe in the sovereignty of Satan rather than the sovereignty of God.
 Steven J Lawson
Do I believe in ghosts?...I am prepared to consider evidence and accept it if it satisfies me.
 M. R. James
I have always believed that if you want to achieve anything special in life you have to work, work, and then work some more.
 David Beckham
I believe I'm a born winner. I always think about winning.
 David Haye
Praise, or gratitude, is love or faith in action.
 Robert Scheid
By nature I will find hope in everything. Even if it's the most incredibly hopeless situation or circumstance. That's just me... I'll never be able to see things any other way.
 Michael Stipe
Love by its presence, like God by His, makes everything not necessarily clear or right or even good, but acceptable. Whereas in its absence, as in His, there is no hope.
Love by its presence, like God by His, makes everything not necessarily clear or right or even good, but acceptable. Whereas in its absence, as in His, there is no hope.
 Virgilia Peterson
I have strongly supported the right to keep and bear arms. I truly believe that firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens makes our families and our communities more safe, not less safe.
Don't expect anyone to give you anything. If you really believe in something, then fight for it.
 Damon Dash
If we talk about pure abilities and skills, I believe there should be no reason why women cannot play as well as men.
 Susan Polgar
I didn't believe that I'd ever be lucky enough to be able to make a living as an actor.
 Sydney Pollack
I believe in free trade, but I really believe in making great deals for the United States.
I've lived in many things - boats, caravans, and buses. I've been homeless, I've had no money: everything. But I believe in magic, and having a vision. The tough times made me a warrior. I work hard.
 Neon Hitch
You must all, somewhere deep in your hearts, believe that you have a special beauty that is like no other and that is so valuable that you must not abandon it. Indeed, you must learn to cherish it.
 Sophia Loren
Some people only ask others to do something. I believe that, why should I wait for someone else? Why don't I take a step and move forward.
 Malala Yousafzai
I do not believe, given her past decisions and comments on the reasons to go to war in Iraq, that Dr. Rice will be able to represent the United States without a predetermined bias from the war.
I do not believe, given her past decisions and comments on the reasons to go to war in Iraq, that Dr. Rice will be able to represent the United States without a predetermined bias from the war.
 Daniel Kahikina Akaka
To appreciate nonsense you must first acquire wisdom, then compromise the two; only then will the fool understand you, and believe himself to be wise.
 Ernest Chapman