Believe Quotes: Encouragement for Your Journey - page 131

Every time you share your vision, you strengthen your own subconscious belief that you can achieve it.
Every time you share your vision, you strengthen your own subconscious belief that you can achieve it.
I love a good argument and sometimes I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut if I think someone is wrong... I've always fought for what I believe in, and I don't quit until I have accomplished what I set out to do.
 Kenny Wormald
I don't believe in fate or destiny. I believe in various degrees of hatred, paranoia, and abandonment. However much of that gets heaped upon you doesn't matter - it's only a matter of how much you can take and what it does to you.
Motherhood has relaxed me in many ways. You learn to deal with crisis. I've become a juggler, I suppose. It's all a big circus, and nobody who knows me believes I can manage, but sometimes I do.
 Jane Seymour
Here's how I've lived my life: I've never been late to a set. I make films I believe in. I feel privileged to be able to do what I love.
 Tom Cruise
I have no regrets. I don't believe in looking back. What I am proudest of? Working really hard... and achieving as much as I could.
 Elena Kagan
I believe that if we really want human brotherhood to spread and increase until it makes life safe and sane, we must also be certain that there is no one true faith or path by which it may spread.
 Adlai E. Stevenson
If your house burns down, rescue the dogs. At least they'll be faithful to you.
 Lee Marvin
We only know God in His works, but we are forced by science to admit and to believe with absolute confidence in a Directive Power-in an influence other than physical, or dynamical, or electrical forces.
 Lord Kelvin
I love my husband. I believe in him, and I am proud of his accomplishments.
I love my husband. I believe in him, and I am proud of his accomplishments.
 Pat Nixon
Neither reproaches nor encouragements are able to revive a faith that is waning.
 Nathalie Sarraute
No one is above the law, not even the president. I believe perjury does meet at least the definition of high misdemeanor.
 Nancy Johnson
What good is it if the Eucharistic table is overloaded with golden chalices when your brother is dying of hunger. Start by satisfying his hunger and then with what is left you may adorn the altar as well.
 Saint John Chrysostom
Consequently, if you believe God made Satan, you must realize that all Satan's power comes from God and so that Satan is simply God's child, and that we are God's children also. There are no children of Satan, really.
Only the strong and the hopeful are able to revolt.
I believe through learning and application of what you learn, you can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal that you can set for yourself.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
 Paul the Apostle
As a born-again Christian, I believe God actively and directly influences me to action.
 Herschel Walker
You can\'t believe how pro gay and pro freedom of speech I am. I\'m way out beyond anyone on the Left.
You can't believe how pro gay and pro freedom of speech I am. I'm way out beyond anyone on the Left.
 Penn Jillette
What I believe is not what I say I believe; what I believe is what I do.
 Donald Miller