Behind all these men you have ...

Behind all these men you have to do with, behind officers, and government, and people even, there is the country herself, your country, and . . . you belong to her as you belong to your own mother. Stand by her, boy, as you would stand by your mother.
 Edward Everett Hale

Quotes from the same author

Make it your habit not to be critical about small things.
 Edward Everett Hale
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
 Edward Everett Hale
No gilded dome swells from the lowly roof to catch the morning or evening beam; but the love and gratitude of united America settle upon it in one eternal sunshine. From beneath that humble roof went forth the intrepid and unselfish warrior, the magistrate who knew no glory but his country's good; to that he returned, happiest when his work was done. There he lived in noble simplicity, there he died in glory and peace.
 Edward Everett Hale
The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life.
 Edward Everett Hale
In the pure mathematics we contemplate absolute truths which existed in the divine mind before the morning stars sang together, and which will continue to exist there when the last of their radiant host shall have fallen from heaven.
 Edward Everett Hale