Best Attitude Quotes to Inspire a Positive Mindset - page 6

Because there is a fear of sentimentality, love is not very often addressed - and it is really the one motivation in all of our lives.
Because there is a fear of sentimentality, love is not very often addressed - and it is really the one motivation in all of our lives.
 Helene Aylon
Upon the whole it was a Glorious day-Our men are in the Spirits-and I am confident we shall give them a total defeat the next Action; which is at no great distance.
 Anthony Wayne
Paranoia can be a sign of a sanity in some circumstances, in some places and times.
 Michael Helm
My mother and I had a lot of distance between us emotionally, although, on the surface, most of the time, we appeared good and friendly, and all that. But I was a problem. I was a street kid.
Response-ability is the ABILITY to choose our response to any circumstance or condition.
He understood then that neither time nor distance had lessened his love for her. But was love that made him ache with suffering truly worth fighting for?
 Guillaume Musso
Idleness, pleasure, what abysses! To do nothing is a dreary course to take, be sure of it. To live idle upon the substance of society! To be useless, that is to say, noxious! This leads straight to the lowest depth of misery.
It's a pretty widely-accepted notion that the atmosphere is a ridiculously complex system, and the best we can do with our models is a rough approximation.
 Jamais Cascio
You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.
 Frank Lloyd Wright
I cannot seriously believe in it [quantum theory] because the theory cannot be reconciled with the idea that physics should represent a reality in time and space, free from spooky actions at a distance [spukhafte Fernwirkungen].
I cannot seriously believe in it [quantum theory] because the theory cannot be reconciled with the idea that physics should represent a reality in time and space, free from spooky actions at a distance [spukhafte Fernwirkungen].
You can't know how weird your own life is until you get some distance on it. Everything seems mundane or boring or embarrassingly small.
 Kyle Minor
You have to keep your sanity as well as know how to distance yourself from it while still holding onto the reins tightly. That is a very difficult thing to do, but I'm learning.
 Diahann Carroll
Brooks too wide for our leaping, hedges far to high. Loads too heavy for our moving, burdens too cumbersome for us to bear. Distances far beyond our journeying. The horse gave us mastery.
 Pam Brown
As contraries are known by contraries, so is the delight of presence best known by the torments of absence.
Dolphins frequently leap above the water surface. One reason for this behaviour could be that, when travelling longer distances, jumping can save the dolphins energy as there is less friction while in the air.
 Thomas Metzinger
The older I get the more I understand that it’s okay to live a life others don’t understand.
From the window, I watch the city and the freeway. In the distance, the sky-rises look like mystic spires, unbearably close and far. I want to pick them up and eat them. I want to scream out loud sometimes, but I never do.
 Brenna Yovanoff
You might not be able to control your circumstances but you can control your response to your circumstances.
Being self-made is a state of mind, and once you put that mentality to work, your success will come.
Being self-made is a state of mind, and once you put that mentality to work, your success will come.
 Dave East
An abundance mentality springs from internal security, not from external rankings, comparisons, opinions, possessions, or associations.