Best Attitude Quotes to Inspire a Positive Mindset - page 3

Attitude is the bridge between failure and success.
Attitude is the bridge between failure and success.
Your attitude can change your life, so choose it wisely.
Your attitude is the foundation of your relationships.
Your attitude is the root of your happiness or unhappiness.
A great attitude is the key to a great life.
The right attitude can turn a negative situation into a positive one.
A positive attitude is the foundation of a positive life.
Attitude is the foundation of all success.
Attitude is the compass that guides us through life's challenges.
A positive attitude is the key to unlocking your potential.
A positive attitude is the key to unlocking your potential.
Writing is nothing less than thought transference, the ability to send one's ideas out into the world, beyond time and distance, taken at the value of the words, unbound from the speaker.
 Arthur M. Jolly
For young people today things move so fast there is no problem of adjustment. Before you can adjust to A, B has appeared leading C by the hand, and with D in the distance.
 Louis Kronenberger
[The loss-of-strength gradient is] the degree to which military and political power diminishes as we move a unit distance away from its home base.
 Kenneth E. Boulding
I swam at school a lot. Long-distance swimming in pools, and diving, then when we moved to Hastings when I was 13 I used to swim in the sea all the time; I loved it out of season and when it was rough.
 Jo Brand
All of us wrestle with the angels of our inabilities all the time. We live in fear that our incapacities will be exposed. We posture and evaluate and assess and criticize mercilessly.
 Joan D. Chittister
I was part of the draft resistance movement in LA where we did demonstrations at the draft centre and burned our cards and made a lot of trouble on campus.
 Cheech Marin
Once there is a distance between you and your thought process, a new freedom is born. With this freedom, a new perception arises.
 Jaggi Vasudev
However tired you are, whatever the distance is, move to your target! Even if you move as slow as a snail, you will reach there! Move! Either fast or slow, just move!
Frankly I\'m not great with heroin addicts. I tried heroin, but it was by accident. I\'m not great with that level of substance abuse.
Frankly I'm not great with heroin addicts. I tried heroin, but it was by accident. I'm not great with that level of substance abuse.
 Michael Stipe
Nature is upheld by antagonism. Passions, resistance, danger, are educators. We acquire the strength we have overcome.