Athletic ability can be taken ...

Athletic ability can be taken away like that. It can all end in a heartbeat.
 Tim Tebow

Quotes from the same author

We play a sport. It's a game. At the end of the day, that's all it is, is a game. It doesn't make you any better or any worse than anybody else. So by winning a game, you're no better. By losing a game, you're no worse. I think by keeping that mentality, it really keeps things in perspective for me to treat everybody the same.
 Tim Tebow
I'm thankful for the ability to share my faith in a lot of different places. It's something that I take as a responsibility and an obligation to handle as best as I can.
 Tim Tebow
I believe in my God-given athletic ability and the coaches that have been blessed around me. I believe I can do the job as a quarterback in the NFL.
 Tim Tebow
Mom used to quote Isaiah 64: about waiting on the Lord. It doesn't mean being complacent. It means understanding that he has a plan, and that we're not the ones in control. In the meantime, we need to strive to use our gifts and abilities fully.
 Tim Tebow
I'll always use the negativity as more motivation to work even harder and become even stronger.
 Tim Tebow