As poets, we don't accept ...

As poets, we don't accept oppression; we are about a freedom of spirit, or whatever you want to call it. I think environmental concerns have to go to the deep place, so we speak from a place of great empathy for the planet - for the disadvantaged people, animals, places, cultures.
 Alison Hawthorne Deming

Quotes from the same author

Teachers have had a great effect on me as a child. I've always loved school and had a great appetite for learning. I cried when it was time to go back home and tried to jump from my mother's moving car to run back there.
 Alison Hawthorne Deming
Teachers have been heroes to me, as well as artists and writers, and I'm honored to be among their ranks. There is always a lot of grousing about the academy. I suppose it comes from our all-American anti-authoritarianism.
 Alison Hawthorne Deming
I think you have to live inside your contradictions and find a way to accept that that's the human condition - to be forced to live in contradiction.
 Alison Hawthorne Deming
I've been accused of darkness by my inner light.
 Alison Hawthorne Deming
I do think that the long poem speaks for an inner need for continuity. We live in a time of so many losses, disruptions, and distractions, that the need for a sense of the ongoing is quite real. The long poem is very satisfying in offering the psyche a model of coherence.
 Alison Hawthorne Deming