As for herself, every morning ...

As for herself, every morning on waking she gives thanks to the God she doesn\'t disbelieve in. Although she can\'t credit him with saving her, she needs this outlet for her gratitude.
As for herself, every morning on waking she gives thanks to the God she doesn't disbelieve in. Although she can't credit him with saving her, she needs this outlet for her gratitude.
 A.S.A. Harrison

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Teach your children gratefulness. Do all you can to deliver them from our culture's poisonous entitlement mentality.
 Randy Alcorn
Death is at any time blessed but it is twice blessed for a warrior who dies for his cause, that is, truth.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.
While we are grateful to all the brave men and officers for the events of the past few days, we should, above all, be very grateful to Almighty God, who gives us victory.
All men feel a habitual gratitude, and something of an honorable bigotry, for the objects which have long continued to please them.

Quotes from the same author

Acceptance is supposed to be a good thing - Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Also compromise, as every couples therapist will tell you. But the cost was high - the damping of expectation, the dwindling of spirit, the resignation that comes to replace enthusiasm, the cynicism that supplants hope. The mouldering that goes unnoticed and unchecked.
 A.S.A. Harrison
Other people are not here to fulfill our needs or meet our expectations, nor will they always treat us well. Failure to accept this will generate feelings of anger and resentment. Peace of mind comes with taking people as they are and emphasizing the positive.
 A.S.A. Harrison
We are all mediums for our own basic truths. All we really have in life is the primal force that moves us through our days – our unvarnished, untutored, ever-present, inborn agency.
 A.S.A. Harrison