As an actor, there is room ...

As an actor, there is room for a certain amount of creativity, but you're always ultimately going to be saying somebody else's words. I don't think I'd have the stamina, skill or ability to write a novel, but I'd love to write short stories and poetry, because those are my two passions.
 Daniel Radcliffe

Quotes from the same author

I basically have the diet of a 19th-century Irish navy, apart from the litre of stout a day. It's meat and potatoes and bread and cheese: those are my four food groups.
 Daniel Radcliffe
Poetry is something I love to do. Good poetry has an amazing ability to be communicative before it's even understood. I get emotional just from the beauty of words.
 Daniel Radcliffe
In terms of drama school, what that will give you that you won't necessarily learn on a film set is the technical ability - ie, projecting your voice and stage craft.
 Daniel Radcliffe
I'm not too worried about humanity in the future. I think we've got an innate ability as a species to self-correct.
 Daniel Radcliffe
As far as I can tell, most actors' main motivation is self-doubt and neuroses.
 Daniel Radcliffe