As a critic, I try very hard ...

As a critic, I try very hard to say exactly what I think. And in a medium in which we are well-known for the binary thumbs up and thumbs down, I try to be able to give the mixed review. But most pictures fall into that middle ground, so I wrestle over which way my thumb is going to turn. It's not flip.
 Gene Siskel

Quotes from the same author

I'm not surprised that Spielberg was able to capture the heroism of Schindler; so many of his movies are about the better part of mankind.
 Gene Siskel
But you know, really, if you think about it Roger and I and all critics really have one absolute essential part of our credentials and that is that you believe that that is actually what we think.
 Gene Siskel
That's probably when I get the most angry at American movies, when they just so cynically manipulate the audience without even trying to give a good story.
 Gene Siskel