Are you making no progress in ...

Are you making no progress in prayer? Then you need only offer God the prayers which the Savior has poured out for us in the sacrament of the altar. Offer God His fervent love in reparation for your sluggishness.
 Margaret Mary Alacoque

Quotes from the same author

The heaviest of my crosses was that I could do nothing to lighten the cross my mother was suffering.
 Margaret Mary Alacoque
We must submit to the Will of God and kiss the hand that strikes us, for we know it is better to suffer in this life than in the next, since one moment of suffering willingly accepted for the love God, is worth an eternity of happiness.
 Margaret Mary Alacoque
He will take good care to provide what is necessary for our sanctification, provided we are careful to accept everything according to His designs.
 Margaret Mary Alacoque
Do not distress yourself on account of any distaste or dryness you experience in God's service. He wills that you should serve Him fervently and constantly it is true, but without any other help than simple faith, and thus your love will be more disinterested, and your service the more pleasing to Him.
 Margaret Mary Alacoque
It is attachment to creatures and to self-satisfaction that weakens the blessings of love in your heart. You must die to all that, if you wish the pure love of God to reign therein.
 Margaret Mary Alacoque