Anyone that is able to put a ...

Anyone that is able to put a high school film and gonzo journalism together, it's like, "Yes, please!
 Zoe Kravitz

Quotes from the same author

That's my approach to makeup in general, highlight something, what you love about yourself, but don't cover anything up, or distract from what you actually look like.
 Zoe Kravitz
I think it's important to represent black women and our natural hair. Not wearing a weave is totally beautiful and acceptable.
 Zoe Kravitz
Im a total weirdo and have often felt like an outcast and a freak, and I love that. It makes things so much more exciting.
 Zoe Kravitz
I feel like most creative people are total freaks.
 Zoe Kravitz
It kind of varies. I don’t have a method yet. It depends on the script and the character I think I need. I’ve worked with acting coaches, researched roles, and channeled different parts of myself. It’s on a case-by-case for me, right now.
 Zoe Kravitz