Another important aspect is ...

Another important aspect is that the masters taught us to move from a deeper source,not just from muscles and joints.
 T. K. V. Desikachar

Quotes from the same author

The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.
 T. K. V. Desikachar
Whether things get better or worse depends to a considerable extent on our own actions. The recommendation of a yoga practice follows the principle that through practice we can learn to stay present in every moment, and thereby achieve much that we were previously incapable of.
 T. K. V. Desikachar
Yoga is both the movement toward and the arrival at a point.
 T. K. V. Desikachar
The ultimate goal of yoga is to always observe things accurately, and therefore never act in a way that will make us regret our actions later.
 T. K. V. Desikachar
When we are attentive to our actions we are not prisoners to our habits.
 T. K. V. Desikachar