And I'm the first one to tell ...

And I\'m the first one to tell people to break the rules. But you can only break the rules once you know what the rules are. The other thing is, fashion is the last design discipline to actually have academic texts and historical analysis.
And I'm the first one to tell people to break the rules. But you can only break the rules once you know what the rules are. The other thing is, fashion is the last design discipline to actually have academic texts and historical analysis.
 Tim Gunn

More phrases

Who sows virtue reaps honor.
He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.
The fixed determination to have acquired the warrior soul, to either conquer or perish with honor, is the secret of victory.
 George S. Patton
We are all warriors. Each of us struggles every day to define and defend our sense of purpose and integrity, to justify our existence on the planet and to understand, if only within our own hearts, who we are and what we believe in.
 Steven Pressfield
See first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body.
 Yagyu Munenori

Quotes from the same author

I have heard women complain about men holding doors for them,, as if it is inherently offensive and implies that they are weak. ... I would hold a door for anyone. ... It has to do with noticing our fellow human beings and saying, "I recognize that you're on this planet, and I don't want a door hitting you in the face.
 Tim Gunn
I've never told anyone this, in an effort to run from my past and disguise it, I got rid of all of the scrapbooks my mother kept going back to when I was a baby. Truly. So that's why whenever talk show hosts or a producer asks for these pictures, there are barely any. My sister had a few, but that's it, and this was before digital. I've never told anyone that, but that's the truth.
 Tim Gunn
I really cherish having my private time and being alone and being able to decompress. It's my own version of meditating.
 Tim Gunn
If you don't have experience sewing, start with that, because that will inform what you are able to design.
 Tim Gunn
I've been in situations where I've said to young people: "You're so personable, you're so articulate, you're clearly so bright, you're so good-looking - feel better about yourself!" But if at the core if you don't, all those words mean nothing. Absolutely nothing.
 Tim Gunn