The Ultimate Collection of Alpha Male Quotes for Men - page 27

The man who knows when not to act is wise. To my mind bravery if forethought.
The man who knows when not to act is wise. To my mind bravery if forethought.
All excess is ill; but drunkenness is of the worst sort. It spoils health, dismounts the mind, and unmans men. It reveals secrets, is quarrelsome, lascivious, impudent, dangerous, and mad.
 William Penn
Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships.
 Sharon Stone
Men prominent in life are mostly hard to converse with. They lack small-talk, and at the same time one doesn't like to confront them with their own great themes.
 Max Beerbohm
Doubt everything [...]. Doubt everything at least once. What you decide to keep, you'll be able to be confident of. And what you decide to ditch, you will replace with what your instincts tell you is true.
 Amy Plum
Man is an imitative animal. This quality is the germ of all education in him. From his cradle to his grave he is learning to do what he sees others do.
Man is his own star, and the soul that can, render an honest and a perfect man,
“Alpha males don’t follow the crowd.”
 Asad Meah
He has great tranquility of heart who cares neither for the praises nor the fault-finding of men.
When nature removes a great man, people explore the horizon for a successor; but none comes, and none will. His class is extinguished with him. In some other and quite different field, the next man will appear.
When nature removes a great man, people explore the horizon for a successor; but none comes, and none will. His class is extinguished with him. In some other and quite different field, the next man will appear.
No man can tell another his faults so as to benefit him, unless he loves him.
Dianetics is a milestone for man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his invention of the wheel and the arch.
It is when we try to grapple with another man's intimate need that we perceive how incomprehensible, wavering, and misty are the beings that share with us the sight of the stars and the warmth of the sun.
Although the whole man partakes of this grace, it is first and most appropriately in the soul and later progresses to the body, inasmuch as the body of the man is capable of the same obedience to the will of God as the soul.
 William Ames
If this can be termed the century of the common man, then soccer, of all sports, is surely his game.... In a world haunted by the hydrogen and napalm bomb, the football field is a place where sanity and hope are still left unmolested.
 Stanley Rous
I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.
I grew up in front of these people, and now they are seeing me as an 'older' young man.
 Kobe Bryant
If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward none and charity for all' go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail.
 Henry A. Wallace
There are no events so disastrous that adroit men do not draw some advantage from them, nor any so fortunate that the imprudent cannot turn to their own prejudice.
There are no events so disastrous that adroit men do not draw some advantage from them, nor any so fortunate that the imprudent cannot turn to their own prejudice.
The magnificence of mountains, the serenity of nature-nothing is safe from the idiot marks of man's passing.