After doing 'Firefly' and ...

After doing 'Firefly' and moving on, I always wanted to be part of a series again. I love doing films, too, but there's just something special about being part of the team and feeling like you're actually a part of the family, and I always look to re-create that.
 Summer Glau

Quotes from the same author

Personally, I don't tend to go into casting sessions. I try not to have a preconceived notion in my head because it just reduces my options or ability to find someone cool.
 Summer Glau
I'm very physical. It's an important part of being a woman - feeling good about yourself and really being in tune with your personality.
 Summer Glau
There was a little part of me that always felt like I was going to be an actress, but I never acted when I was growing up. I was a dancer. That's all I did, all day, all my life. Maybe this was just where I was meant to be, and somehow I ended up here, but it just felt right. As soon as I started acting, it just felt like it was meant to be.
 Summer Glau
I still dance, probably three times a week, unless I'm working on a crazy job, and then I just don't have any free time at all.
 Summer Glau
Every day on the set, things change. You move things around. The actors are creating the roles and bringing them to life, and bringing the moments to life, as they happen. That's the best thing about television. I think it gets misunderstood, when there's one credit that says, "Written by," because that's certainly not the way it happens, in real life.
 Summer Glau