Acting may be how I've made ...

Acting may be how I've made my living, but music has always been my passion.
 John Corbett

Quotes from the same author

I thought if I wanted people to take me seriously, I needed to act serious and not reveal too much of my private life so people could seriously accept me in different things.
 John Corbett
I'm not opposed to adoption. It's not in my immediate future because I'm on the move a lot and if I were going to be father I would like to be more grounded.
 John Corbett
Acting is a win-win situation. There is no risk involved. That's why I get tired of hearing actors who try to make out that there's a downside to it. Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it's really not bad.
 John Corbett
I actually got hurt in a steel factory in 1985 and so that changed my life. I went to a junior college and that's where I discovered acting.
 John Corbett
I took an acting class at Cerritos Junior College and I did a handful of plays, maybe five or six plays.
 John Corbett