A woman indeed can't properly ...

A woman indeed can't properly be said to choose, all that is allowed her, is to refuse or accept what is offered.
 Mary Astell

Quotes from the same author

Every one knows, that the mind will not be kept from contemplating what it loves in the midst of crowds and business. Hence come those frequent absences, so observable in conversation; for whilst the body is confined to present company, the mind is flown to that which it delights in.
 Mary Astell
If absolute sovereignty be not necessary in a State, how comes it to be so in a family?
 Mary Astell
To all the rest of his Absurdities, (for vice is always unreasonable,) he adds one more, who expects that Vertue from another which he won't practise himself.
 Mary Astell
Hitherto I have courted Truth with a kind of Romantick Passion, in spite of all Difficulties and Discouragements: for knowledge is thought so unnecessary an Accomplishment for a Woman, that few will give themselves the Trouble to assist us in the Attainment of it.
 Mary Astell
He who will be just, must be forc'd to acknowledge, that neither Sex are always in the right.
 Mary Astell