A tremendous number of people ...

A tremendous number of people come to the country legally, but overstay their visas. And there has to be a far stronger mechanism for being able to track down people, have overstayed their visas, to have a responsibility for who they're coming to visit or stay with.
 Adam Schiff

Quotes from the same author

We still have a problem here in this country of access to airports and airplanes [for terrorists].
 Adam Schiff
But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral.
 Adam Schiff
If giving points to some students to achieve greater diversity is a quota system in violation of the Constitution, how can the awarding of points to the children of a less diverse alumni be upheld?
 Adam Schiff
Russia is leading a movement around the world to spread autocracy and authoritarianism.
 Adam Schiff
I would strongly urge the Donald Trump administration to pick someone who is completely apolitical, who doesn't come out of the political process, someone who is a retired judge or an acting judge willing to step down from their judgeship, someone ideally who has prosecutorial experience, but someone who could come in and give credibility to the Russia investigation that is severely in jeopardy.
 Adam Schiff