A mother should give her ...

A mother should give her children a superabundance of enthusiasm; that after they have lost all they are sure to lose on mixing with the world, enough may still remain to prompt fated support them through great actions.
 Augustus Hare

Quotes from the same author

Happy the boy whose mother is tired of talking nonsense to him before he is old enough to know the sense of it.
 Augustus Hare
It is well for us that we are born babies in intellect. Could we understand half what mothers say and do to their infants, we should be filled with a conceit of our own importance, which would render us insupportable through life.
 Augustus Hare
What a person praises is perhaps a surer standard, even than what he condemns, of his own character, information and abilities.
 Augustus Hare
Only when the voice of duty is silent, or when it has already spoken, may we allowably think of the consequences of a particular action.
 Augustus Hare